doc | |
▼ examples | |
ldns-mx.c | |
ldns-read-zone.c | |
ldns-signzone.c | |
▼ ldns | |
buffer.h | This file contains the definition of ldns_buffer, and functions to manipulate those |
common.h | Common definitions for LDNS |
config.h | |
dane.h | This module contains base functions for creating and verifying TLSA RR's with PKIX certificates, certificate chains and validation stores |
dname.h | Dname contains function to read and manipulate domain names |
dnssec.h | This module contains base functions for DNSSEC operations (RFC4033 t/m RFC4035) |
dnssec_sign.h | |
dnssec_verify.h | |
dnssec_zone.h | |
duration.h | |
edns.h | |
error.h | Defines error numbers and functions to translate those to a readable string |
higher.h | Specifies some higher level functions that could be useful for certain applications |
host2str.h | Host2str.h - txt presentation of RRs |
host2wire.h | Contains all functions to translate the main structures to wire format |
keys.h | Addendum to dnssec.h, this module contains key and algorithm definitions and functions |
ldns.h | Including this file will include all ldns files, and define some lookup tables |
net.h | Contains functions to send and receive packets over a network |
packet.h | Contains the definition of ldns_pkt and its parts, as well as functions to manipulate those |
parse.h | Contains some low-level parsing functions, mostly used in the _frm_str family of functions |
radix.h | Radix tree |
rbtree.h | Red black tree |
rdata.h | Defines ldns_rdf and functions to manipulate those |
resolver.h | Defines the ldns_resolver structure, a stub resolver that can send queries and parse answers |
rr.h | Contains the definition of ldns_rr and functions to manipulate those |
rr_functions.h | Defines some extra convenience functions for ldns_rr structures |
sha1.h | |
sha2.h | |
str2host.h | Str2host.h - conversion from str to the host fmt |
tsig.h | Defines functions for TSIG usage |
update.h | Defines functions to perform UPDATE queries |
util.h | |
wire2host.h | Contains functions that translate dns data from the wire format (as sent by servers and clients) to the internal structures |
zone.h | Zone.h |
buffer.c | |
dane.c | |
dname.c | |
dnssec.c | |
dnssec_sign.c | |
dnssec_verify.c | |
dnssec_zone.c | |
duration.c | |
edns.c | |
error.c | |
higher.c | |
host2str.c | |
host2wire.c | |
keys.c | |
linktest.c | |
net.c | |
packet.c | |
parse.c | |
radix.c | Implementation of a radix tree |
rbtree.c | Implementation of a redblack tree |
rdata.c | |
resolver.c | |
rr.c | |
rr_functions.c | |
sha1.c | |
sha2.c | |
str2host.c | |
tsig.c | |
update.c | |
util.c | |
wire2host.c | |
zone.c |