Master Zone Files

Erik Rozendaal erik at
Wed Jun 30 07:47:43 UTC 2004

Philip Gaskell wrote:
> Hi,
> I've compiled and installed nsd and configured nsd without any problems 
> as far as I can see, my problem is that when i try to build the zone 
> files I get loads of error message about unrecognised characters and the 
> result is that the zone information isn't compiled. I have looked at 
> sample zone files from the internet and can't find anything wrong with 
> mine. I've just migrated from windows and am now using redhat 9. I am 
> impressed with NSD so far, it seems so simple to use and only does 
> exactly what I need of a DNS server. Below is my zone file, the IP's 
> have been altered, could you please point in the right direction. I am 
> new to linux so please be gentle :-)

This may be caused by DOS/Windows end-of-line characters (CR LF) instead 
of the Unix end-of-line character (LF).  On Linux you can use the 
"dos2unix" command to convert the file.  Does this solve your problem?


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